
Xinling Li

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Academic experience

2003-2007, Shanghai jiao tong university, Doctor

2000-2003, Xi'an university of architecture and technology, Master

1996-2000, Xi'an university of architecture and technology, Bachelor


Work Experience

1. 2015-        Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong university

2. 2011-2015   Assistant Researcher, Shanghai Jiao Tong university

3. 2009-2010 Postdoctor, Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione - CNR, Napoli(Italy)

Research Interests

1. Development and application of carbon capture technology

2. Simulation and evaluation of carbon capture systems

Selected Publications

Papers as corresponding author:

1. Yang Liu, et al. Novel diamine DMAPA-sulfolane-water biphasic absorbent for equimolar CO2 absorption: Performance and mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 479, 147903.

2. Tang Xincheng, et al. Syntheses, catalytic performances and DFT investigations: A recent review of copper-based catalysts of methanol steam reforming for hydrogen production. Energy, 2024, 295, 131091.

3. Yang Liu, et al. CO2 absorption enhancement of fluorinated ionic liquids on nonaqueous biphasic absorbents: Experimental and theoretical study. Carbon Capture Science and Technology, 2023, 9, 100147.

4. Ye Zhimu, et al. Effects of the Topological Structure of Different Cu-Zeolites on the Relationship between Soot and NOx Removal on NH3-SCRF. Energy Fuels 2023, 38, 3, 2212–2223.

5. Zhao Pengcheng et al. Comprehensive study on particle size distribution, MAH and PAH profiles during alkylbenzene pyrolysis. Fuel, 2023, 352, 129099.

6. Fang, Mingming et al. Effect of nanostructure, porosity and extent of oxidation on soot reactivity. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2023, 31(3), 241–254.

7. Tang Xincheng, et al. Single Ni-inserted Cu (1 1 1) surface: A DFT study of adsorption and reaction mechanisms of methanol steam reforming. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 596, 153635.

8. Zhao Pengcheng et al. Particle volatility, size distribution and PAH/alkyl-PAH profiles during toluene pyrolysis in a flow reactor.  Aerosol Science and Technology, 2022, 56(9), 819–832.

Research Projects

1. 2023-2026 Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project, Principal investigator.

2. 2018-2022 Foundation of Key Project of Intergovernmental International Scientific and Technological Innovation Cooperation

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