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Jian Ping

  • Title:Assistant Professor
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  • Email:ppjj1994@sjtu.edu.cn
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2015.09-2020.06        Shanghai Jiao Tong University       Department of Electrical Engineering          Ph.D. (Supervisor: Zheng Yan)

2011.09-2015.06        Shanghai Jiao Tong University       Department of Electrical Engineering          B.E.

Work experiences

2020.07-2022.09        Shanghai Jiao Tong University       Department of Electrical Engineering          Postdoc researcher

2022.10-              Shanghai Jiao Tong University              College of Smart Energy  Assistant Professor

Research Interests

1. Energy blockchain

2. Transactive energy

3. Electricity market

Selected Publications

1. Jian Ping, Zheng Yan, Sijie Chen. A privacy-preserving blockchain-based method to optimize energy trading[J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE, 2023, 14(2): 1148–1157.

2. Jian Ping, Zheng Yan, Sijie Chen, Liangzhong Yao, Minhui Qian. Coordinating EV charging via blockchain[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2020, 8(3): 573-581. (MPCE “Best paper award”)

3. Jian Ping, Zheng Yan, Sijie Chen. A two-stage autonomous EV charging coordination method enabled by blockchain [J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2021, 9(1): 104-113. (MPCE “Best paper award”)

4. Jian Ping, Da Li, Zheng Yan, Xiaowen Wu, Sijie Chen. A trusted peer-to-peer market of joint energy and reserve based on blockchain[J]. Electric Power Systems Research, 2023, 214: 108802.

5. Sijie Chen, Hanning Mi, Jian Ping, Zheng Yan, Zeyu Shen, Xuezhi Liu, Ning Zhang, Qing Xia, Chongqing Kang. A blockchain consensus mechanism for decentralized optimization in energy systems[J]. Nature Energy, 2022, 7: 495–502.

6. Sijie Chen, Jian Ping, Xinyi Le, Zheng Yan, Xiaoyuan Xu, Liangzhong Yao, and Juntong Xi. Forming bidding curves for a distribution system operator[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(5): 5389-5400.

7. Sijie Chen, Jian Ping, Zheng Yan, Jinjin Li, Zhen Huang. Blockchain in energy systems: values, opportunities, and limitations[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2022, 16(1): 9-18.

8. Jian Ping, Sijie Chen, Ning Zhang, Zheng Yan, Liangzhong Yao. Decentralized Transactive Mechanism in Distribution Network Based on Smart Contract[J]. Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 2017, 37(13): 3682-3690(in Chinese). (Cited 220 times)

9. Jian Ping, Zheng Yan, Sijie Chen, Zeyu Shen, Su Yang, Jing Li, Haoyuan Qu. Credit Risk Management in Distributed Energy Resource Transactions Based on Blockchain[J]. Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 2019, 39(24): 7137-7145(in Chinese). (Proceedings of CSEE “2020 High-impact Paper”)

10. Jian Ping, Sijie Chen, Zheng Yan. A Novel Energy Blockchain Technology for Convex Optimization Scenarios in Power System[J]. Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 2019, 40(1): 108-116(in Chinese).

Research Projects

1. 2022.01-2024.12 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. “Autonomous and coordinated distributed energy resource operation theory based on blockchain”, 52107115.

2. 2021.01-2022.06 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. “Autonomous and coordinated distributed energy resource operation theory based on blockchain”, 2020M681299.

3. 2020.07-2022.07 Shanghai “Super Postdoctoral” Program. “Distributed energy resource coordination theory based on blockchain and homomorphic encryption”, 2020252.

4. 2022.01-2025.12    National Nature Science Foundation of China. “Research on the coupling mechanism and coordinated optimization of power distribution network and transportation network considering the uncertainty of generalized generation and load”, U2166201.

5. 2016.07-2020.12 National Key Research and Development Program of China. “Power system planning and operation theory with high share renewable energy”, 2016YFB0900100

6. 2017.07-2021.12 National Key Research and Development Program of China. “Research on key operation technologies of smart distribution networks based on micro-synchrophasor measurement”, 2017YFB0902803.

7. 2021.01-2022.12 STATE GRID Corporation of China. “Research on blockchain technologies applied in large-scale and high-concurrency energy trading”, SGSXKF00JJJS2100065.

8. 2021.01-2022.12 STATE GRID Corporation of China. “Research on clearing models and algorithms for interprovincial long-term markets coupled with provincial markets”, SGAH0000TKJS2100483.

9. 2023.01-2024.12 STATE GRID Corporation of China. “Research on market mechanisms and key technologies of provincial financial transmission right market under the unified load-side pricing model”, SGZJSX00YYJS2310400.

Honors & Awards

1. Shanghai “Super Postdoctoral” Program, 2020

2. CSEE “Annual best author”, 2018