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Jianjun Ma

  • Title:Assistant Professor
  • Phone:64355111—6297
  • Email:j.j.ma@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Office location:


Academic experience

2013.09-2019.12 Doctor of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

2009.09-2013.06 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

Working experience

2022.09-Now Assistant Professor, College of Smart Energy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

2020.01-2022.06, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

2020.06-2020.10 University of Alberta, Canada

Research Interests

  1. Power Electronic Technology

2. New energy and distributed generation

3. DC distribution system

4. Energy Internet and energy router

Selected Publications

1. J.J. Ma, M. Zhu, X. Cai and Y. Li, "DC Substation for DC Grid—Part I: Comparative Evaluation of DC Substation Configurations," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 9719-9731, Oct. 2019.

2. J.J. Ma, M. Zhu, X. Cai and Y. Li, "DC Substation for DC Grid—Part II: Hierarchical Control Strategy and Verifications," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 8682-8696, Sept. 2019.

3. J.J. Ma, M. Zhu, Y. Li and X. Cai, "Dynamic Analysis of Multimode Buck–Boost Converter: An LPV System Model Point of View," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 8539-8551, July 2021.

4. J.J. Ma, M. Zhu, Y. Li and X. Cai, "Monopolar Fault Reconfiguration of Bipolar Half Bridge Converter for Reliable Load Supply in DC Distribution System," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 11305-11318, Sept. 2022.

5. X. Li, M. Zhu, J.J. Ma, Y. Li and X. Cai, "Input-Independent and Output-Series Connected Modular DC–DC Converter With Intermodule Power Balancing Units for MVdc Integration of Distributed PV," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 1622-1636, Feb. 2020.

6. Weiye Yang, J.J. Ma*,Miao Zhu, Cungang Hu, "Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis and Tolerant Method of Triple Active-Bridge Multiport DC-DC Converter", in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. (Accepted)

7. Y. Chen, H. Wang, M. Zhu, J.J. Ma, X.P. Kong, " Modeling and Control of Dual-AC-Port Modular Multilevel Converter for Hybrid Frequency Integration of Offshore Wind Power," in Inter. J. of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol.142, no.2, 2022.

8. Y Yang, N Tai, Y. Liu, X. Zheng, J.J. Ma, S.Ye. Calculated DC resistance-based pilot protection scheme for bipolar HVDC transmission lines, in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. [Accepted]

9. Yang Yayu, Tai Nengling, Xie Wei, Zheng Xiaodong,Ma, Jianjun,A Whole-Line Fast Protection Scheme for HVDC Transmission Line Based on Single-Ended Boundary Energy[J], Transactions of China electrotechnical technical society [Accepted]

10. Yang. Chen, Han Wang, Miao Zhu, Ming Liu, Jianjun Ma, Cai Xu.Three-port MMC With Hybrid Submodules and Full Arm Inductor Scheme: Simplified Modeling and Grid Interconnection Control Strategy [J]. Proceedings of the CSEE , 2022,42(05):1641-1657.

11.Chen Yang, Wang Han, Zhu Miao, Ma Jianjun, Cai Xu. Modular DC Auto-transformer With Two-port Switched-capacitor Submodules[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2021,47(07):2457-2470.

12. Chen Yang, Wang Han, Zhu Miao, Ma Jianjun, Cai Xu. Dual-AC-port Modular Multilevel Converter with DC Polarity Reversal Ability[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2022,48(03):980-992.

13. J.J. Ma, M. Zhu, C. Pan and X. Cai, "Multimode Operation of Non-inverting Buck Boost Converter for Energy Storage System," 2021 International Joint Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering, 2021, pp. 1-5. (Best Paper Award)

14. B. Teng, J.J. Ma, M. Zhu, and X. Cai, "Dynamic Fault Reconfiguration of Multiport Active Bridge Converter for Reliable Shipboard Bipolar DC System," in proc. ACDC 2022, pp. 1-5. (First Prize award)


Miao Zhu, Jianjun Ma.Operation and control of medium and low voltage DC distribution system. Beijing: Science Press, 2022.

Research Projects

1.2021.01-2023.12 Topological evolution mechanism of DC substation level and interactive dynamics of station network, 52007118, National Natural Science Foundation Youth Program   Project leader

2.2021.06-2022.06 Topology construction rule and flexible reconstruction and optimization operation of substation in DC power network, 2021M692045, National Natural Science Foundation of China   Project leader

3.2022.01-2023.12 Key technologies of multi-port converter topology and stable operation for pulsed load and hybrid energy storage access, 6142217210205, National Defense Foundation of China   Project leader

4.2020.07-2021.06 Power Internet of Things innovation construction and industrial technology foresight for super city energy supply, 20692110500, Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan   Project leader

5.2020.01-2022.12 Research on the generalized Topology theory of substation and station network for DC Power network, State Grid Headquarters Science and Technology Project   Main participant

6.2018.06-2021.06 distributed photovoltaic multi-port access DC distribution system key technology and equipment 2018YFB0904100, National Key R & D Program project   Main participant

7.2012.06-2016.12 Research on large new energy multi-terminal access system with DC/DC DC voltage conversion, China-UK Cooperation project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China   Main participant

Honors & Awards

  1. CoEEPE  2021 Best Conference Paper Award
  2. ACDC  2022 Best Conference Paper Award
  3. EEEIC  China Electrotechnical Society  Grand prize
  4. CPEEC 2022  Best Paper Award