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Yanchi Jiang

  • Title:Tenure-track assistant professor
  • Phone:64355111—6189
  • Email:chichi2@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Office location:Dongchuan Road 800, Minhang District



2013.09-2019.12, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Mechanical Engineering Ph. D

2009.09-2013.06, Sichuan University, College of Hydra and Hydraulic Engineering bachelor


2022.06-now          Shanghai Jiao Tong University, College of Smart Energy, Assistant professor

2019.11-2022.04 Chubu University (Japan) Department of Applied Chemistry, Research Fellow

Research Interests

1.CO2 Capture

2.Solid Fuel Combustion

3.Aritificial Intelligence on Computer Vision

Selected Publications

1. Jiang Y, Mori T, Naganuma H, Ishikawa S, H Honda, Ninomiya Y. Effects of the addition of RPF and woody biomass on PM emissions during co-firing with coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 2023, 245, 107740. (SCI, DOI:  10.1016/j.fuproc.2023.107740)

2. Jiang Y, Mori T, Naganuma H, Ninomiya Y. Effect of the optimal combination of bituminous coal with high biomass content on particulate matter (PM) emissions during co-firing[J]. Fuel, 2022,316, 123244. (SCI, 10.1016/j.fuel.2022.123244)

3. Jiang Y, Zhang Z, Mu A, Yang L, Liu J, Zhao Z, Jia M, Fan J. Analytic Hierarchy Process on comprehensive CO2 capture performance for activators with amine, nanoparticles and surfactants[J]. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, 2019,145,107663. (SCI, DOI: 10.1016/j.cep.2019.107663)

4.Jiang Y, Zhang Z, Fan J, Bi D, Li B, Zhao Z, Jia M, Mu A. Experimental study on comprehensive carbon capture performance of TETA-based nanofluids with surfactants[J], International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2019,88,311-320.(SCI, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2019.06.024)

5.Jiang Y, Zhang Z, Fan J, Yang L, Liu J. Experimental study on post-combustion systems including a hollow fiber membrane and a packed column[J]. ACS Omega, 2020, 5(28),17692–17702. (SCI, DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c02251)

6.Jiang Y, Zhang Z, Fan H, Fan J, An H. Experimental study on hybrid MS-CA system for post-combustion CO2 capture[J], Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 2018,8(2): 379-392. (SCI, DOI: doi.org/10.1002/ghg.1823)

7.Jiang Y, Zhang Z, Fan H, Fan J. Experimental study on activation agents for amines and nanoparticles of TETA[C]. The 9th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, Qingdao, China, 2019 .

8.Jiang Y, Zhang Z, Fan H, Fan J. Experimental study on novel hybrid carbon capture system for post-combustion CO2 Capture[C]. 3rd Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Chengdu, China, 2017.

9.An H, Yu J, Fan J, Jiang Y, Zhang Z. Experiment study on entrained flow gasification technology with dry slag by second-stage water supply[J]. Powder Technology, 2016, 306:(10-16) (SCI, DOI:10.1016/j.powtec.2016.11.009)

10.An H, Yu J, Jiang Y, Fan J, Zhang Z. Kinetics of steam and CO2 gasification with high ash fusion temperature coal char under elevated pressure[J]. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery Utilization & Environmental Effects, 2017, 39(24):1-7. (SCI, DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2016.1261207)

11.Zheng H, Cao Y, Sun M, Guo G, Meng J, Guo X, Jiang Y. Mixed Structure with 3D Multi-Shortcut-Link Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification [J]. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(5), 1230. (SCI, DOI: 10.3390/rs14051230)

Research Projects


1. New Low Energy CO2 Capture Materials and Mechanisms, National Key R&D Plan, 2023.01-2025.12, In progress.

2. Research on Intelligent Quantitative Analysis of PM10 Interactive Emission Reduction by Co firing of Coal and Refuse Derived Fuel with Oxygen Enriched Combustion Support Coupling, Shanghai Pujiang Talent Plan Project (Class A), 2022.10-2024.09, In progress;

3. The "Double First Class" Research Launch Project of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2022.7-2025.6, In progress.


1. New efficient and low-cost carbon capture and utilization system, Shanghai University Class IV Peak Discipline Construction Project, 2021. 12~2024.11In progress

2.IGCCスラグのコンクリート細骨材としての有効活用に関する化学的検討,Research and development project of TEP, 2019.11-2023.03, Complete

3.腐食・灰付着予測技術の高度化研究,Research and development project of TEP, 2019.11-2022.03, Complete

4.石炭・NPF混焼時の燃焼・熱分解特性および灰付着性に関する委託研究,Research and development project of TEP, 2019.11-2021.03, Complete

5. Research on the Combined Carbon Capture Method of Membrane Separation and Chemical Absorption before Combustion and the Coupling Characteristics of Combustion and Hydrodynamics in 700 ℃ Ultra Supercritical Boiler, National Key R&D Plan Project2019.11-2021.12, Complete

6. Demonstration of carbon capture, storage, and utilization, as well as research and development of new generation technologies, National Key R&D Plan Project2016.11-2019.12, Complete

7. Research and demonstration of ultra supercritical circulating fluidized bed boiler technologyNational Key R&D Plan Project2016.11-2020.12, Complete

8. Laboratory Research on Liquid Slag Removal Boiler Burning High Alkali CoalResearch Plan Project of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Science and Technology2015.11-2017.12, Complete


1.Zhongxiao ZhangYanchi JiangHaiquan An. A Gasifier Quenching Ring [P]. NOCN201510904033.32015.Invention PatentAuthorized

2.Zhongxiao ZhangHaiquan An, Yanchi Jiang. Furnace tail structure for two-stage oxygen supply and dry slag discharge pressurized fluidized bed gasifier [P]. NOCN201521009638.82015.Utility ModelAuthorized

Honors & Awards

1. Shanghai Pujiang Talent (Class A), Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, 2022

2. Chubu University Postdoctoral Scholarship (Class A), Chubu University (Japan), 2019

3. Shanghai Jiao Tong University "Three Good Students", Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2014

4. Outstanding Graduates of Sichuan University, Sichuan University, 2012

5. Excellent Graduation Thesis of Sichuan University, 2013