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Feilong Fan

  • Title:Assistant Professor of Long-term Teaching Track
  • Phone:64355111—6362
  • Email:feilongfan@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Office location:East Administration Building 412



2014.09–2019.06 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Electrical Engineering Ph.D.


2010.09–2014.06 Zhejiang University Electrical Engineering and Automation B.E.


Work Experience

2022.01- Present    Assistant Professor, National Institute of Smart Energy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2019.08-2021.12 Postdoctoral Researcher, Rolls-Royce Joint Laboratory, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Research Interests

1.Integrated energy system

2.New power system operation and control

3.Energy storage technology

Selected Publications

1.Feilong Fan, Wentao Huang, Nengling Tai, et al. A Conditional Depreciation Balancing Strategy for the Equitable Operation of Extended Hybrid Energy Storage Systems[J]. Applied Energy, 2018, 228: 1937-1952.


2.Feilong Fan, Nengling Tai, Xiaodong Zheng, et al. Equalization Strategy for Multi-Battery Energy Storage Systems Using Maximum Consistency Tracking Algorithm of the Conditional Depreciation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2018, 33(3): 1242-1254.


3.Feilong Fan, Venkataraman Aditya, Yan Xu, et al. Robustly coordinated operation of a ship microgird with hybrid propulsion systems and hydrogen fuel cells[J]. Applied Energy, 2022, 312: 118738.


4.Feilong Fan, Yan Xu, and Xue Feng. Rule-based health-aware power sharing for a multi-unit battery energy storage system[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2021, 132: 107208.


5.Feilong Fan, Rui Zhang, Yan Xu, et al. Robustly Coordinated Operation of an Emission-Free Microgrid with Hybrid Hydrogen-Battery Energy Storage[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy System,2022,8(2):369-379.


6.Feilong Fan, Yan Xu, Rui Zhang, et al. Whole-Lifetime Coordinated Service Strategy for Battery Energy Storage System Considering Multi-Stage Battery Aging Characteristics [J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy,2022,10(3):689-699.


7. Zhanpeng Chen, Feilong Fan*, Nengling Tai*, Canbing Li, Xipeng Zhang. Multi-Objective Voltage/VAR Control for Integrated Port Energy System Considering Multi-Network Integration[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2023, 150: 109092.


8. Zhanpeng Chen, Yan Hu, Nengling Tai*, Feilong Fan*, Wentao Huang. Flexible Dispatching Method for Park-level Integrated Energy Systems Considering Energy Cascade Utilization[J]. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2023, 17(2): 497-514.


9. Feilong Fan, Nengling Tai, Xiaodong Zheng, et al. Real-time Deployment Strategy of the Active Power in Community Energy Networks Based on Back/Forward Optimization Algorithm[J], Proceedings of the CSEE, 2017,37(14): 4098-4108.


10. Feilong Fan, Nengling Tai, chunju Fan, et al. Complete-Period Fluctuation Suppressing Strategy for the DCHP System Based on the Virtual Battery Model[J], Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2018, 42(16), 133-140.

Research Projects

  1. National Key R&D Program: Research on Key Technologies, Core Equipment and Engineering Demonstration of Hybrid AC/DC Distributed Renewable Energy


  1. Science and Technology Fund Project by Ministry of Education: Research on Key Technology of Electrical Energy Storage and Conversion for Large Wind Farms


  1. Science and Technology Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission: Key Technology Research of Integrated Energy Power System Based on Multi-Energy Flow Coupling


  1. State Grid Corporation Headquarters Project: Key technology research and demonstration application of household photovoltaic power generation system


  1. Science and Technology Project of State Grid Jiangsu Province Power Company: Research on multi-stream analysis theory and gradient optimization strategy for regional integrated energy system


National Invention Patents

1. Feilong Fan, Xiaodong Zheng, Nengling Tai, et al. Optimal management method and system of multi-battery energy storage based on conditional depreciation equalization algorithm, ZL 2018 1 0091347.X

Honors & Awards

1. Second Prize of Power Construction Science and Technology Progress Award in 2021