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Meirong Zeng

  • Title:Associate professor
  • Phone:64355111-6361
  • Email:meirongzeng@sjtu.edu.cn
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Educational background

2012.09 – 2017.12, Doctor of Philosophy

National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China

2015.09 – 2016.09, Joint PhD student

Physical chemistry department, Bielefeld University, Germany

2008.09 – 2012.07, Bachelor of Science

Double degree of Physics and Chemistry, Central China Normal University

Professional Experience

2021.12 – Present, Associate professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2018.03 – 2021.11, Post-doctor. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Research Interests

Heterogeneous reactions of aerosols

combustion reaction kine


Selected Publications

1. Meirong Zeng, Nadja Heine, Kevin Wilson*, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (2020) 4486-4490.

2. Meirong Zeng, Jigang Gao, Zhongyue Zhou, Lili Ye, Jiuzhong Yang, Wenhao Yuan*, Fei Qi, Fuel 346 (2023) 128285.

3. Meirong Zeng, Yuwen Deng, Zaili Xiong, Jijun Guo, Zhongyue Zhou, Jiuzhong Yang, Wenhao Yuan*, Fei Qi, Combustion and Flame 251 (2023) 112709.

4. Meirong Zeng, Chen-Lin Liu, Kevin R Wilson*, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 126 (2022) 2959-2965.

5. Meirong Zeng, Kevin Wilson*Chemical Science, 12 (2021) 10455-10466.

6. Meirong Zeng, Kevin Wilson*The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (2020) 6580-6585.

7. Meirong Zeng, Wenhao Yuan*, Wei Li, Yan Zhang, Yizun WangFuel 236 (2019) 437-444.

8. Meirong Zeng, Wenhao Yuan*, Wei Li, Yan Zhang, Yizun WangEnergy 155 (2018) 152-161.

9. Meirong Zeng*, Julia Wullenkord, Isabelle Graf, Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus*Combustion and Flame 184 (2017) 41-54.

10. Meirong Zeng, Yuyang Li*, Wenhao Yuan, Tianyu Li, Yizun Wang, Zhongyue Zhou, Lidong Zhang, Fei QiProceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2017) 1193-1202.

11. Meirong Zeng, Wenhao Yuan*, Wei Li, Yan Zhang, Chuangchuang Cao, Tianyu Li, Jiabiao ZouEnergy & Fuels 31 (2017) 12712-12720.

12. Meirong Zeng, Yuyang Li*, Wenhao Yuan, Zhongyue Zhou, Yizun Wang, Lidong Zhang, Fei QiCombustion and Flame 167 (2016) 228-237.

13. Meirong Zeng, Wenhao Yuan, Yizun Wang, Weixing Zhou, Lidong Zhang, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li*Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 1701-1715.

Invention Patent





Honors & Awards

2021, Shanghai Leading Talents (Overseas)

2015, Visiting Ph.D. student scholarship from the China Scholarship Council