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Jian Wang

  • Title:Assistant research fellow
  • Phone:64355111-6581
  • Email:
  • Office location:Room 203, Eastern Administration Building



1. 2020.11–2023.10 Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, Electrical Engineering, PhD

2. 2018.09–2023.09 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, Electrical Engineering, PhD

3. 2014.09–2018.06 North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China Electrical Engineering and Automation, Bachelor

Work Experience

1. 2023.12-Now College of Smart Energy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Assistant research fellow

Research Interests

1. Control and Operation of New Type Power System

2. Smart Operation of Virtual Power Plant

3. Renewable Energy Storage

Selected Publications

1. Two-stage stochastic-robust model for the self-scheduling problem of an aggregator participating in energy and reserve markets[J]. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, 2023, 8:45. First Author

2. Equilibrium models of coordinated electricity and natural gas markets with different coupling information exchanging channels[J]. Energy, 2022, 239:121827. First Author

3. Optimal self-scheduling for a multi-energy virtual power plant providing energy and reserve services under a holistic market framework[J]. Energy, 2023, 278:127903. First Author

4. Cooperative trading mechanism and satisfaction-based profit distribution in a multi-energy community[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021, 9:723192. First Author

5. Two-stage optimal planning model for hydrogen facilities in multi-energy virtual power plant participating in joint capacity, energy and ancillary service markets[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2023. (3rd review). First Author

Research Projects

1. Italian Transmission System Operator Key Project, Support for Network Planning and Development: algorithms for estimating the exchange limits between areas on the network, Participant

2. Guangxi Electric Power Design and Research Institute, Research on control of grid-forming converter under high proportion renewable energy integration in complex power grid, Participant

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on neutral point clamped three-level inverter with low conduction loss, no dead zone, and no clamping diode, Participant

4. China State Grid Technology Project, Research on power grid investment strategies under the development and reform situation, Participant

5. Jiaxing Fuer Electronic Technology Project, 200kW permanent magnet synchronous sensorless motor drive system, Participant

Invention Patent

1. Joint scheduling method and system for electricity and natural gas in the context of multi energy interaction, First Inventor

2. A modeling method for an integrated energy community considering the satisfaction of prosumers, First Inventor